Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Death of Super Chicken

Callie Videos

Callie clucking like one of Grandma Tere's hens!

Callie Getting mobile...sort of...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Half Moon Bay

Yesterday we decided to do an outing to Half Moon Bay. Bill used to work there many years ago so it is one of our favorite places to go, especially around this time of year! Next weekend is their annual pumpkin festival but we wanted to get our little miss her pumpkin early! We had a good night of sleep so we went for breakfast at Cafe Borrone's and stopped by Kepler's and found a board book version of Stella Luna:)
After that we hit the road. Traffic was terrible, but Callie took the opportunity to take a nap.
We decided to stop at Lemos Farm. We had passed it by for years but now we had good reason to go, we have a kiddo!
They have a petting zoo with lots of goats, so we took the opportunity to introduce Callie to some animals!
At first, she wasn't so sure about it...
Then she decided to give it a shot.

Mmmm. Let me grab the ears, just my doggie at home!
Then it was time for my favorite thing about HMB during the fall

Pumpkin Ice Cream!
She has it in her sights...
Then it was time to pick our pumpkins.

After the farm we went to the beach to watch the sunset.

Super Baby!

It was such a beautiful day. Callie slept most of the way back and we called it a day.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Callie at 5 Months

Callie turned 5 months old yesterday! So hard to believe that much time has gone by. She has gotten very grabby. In fact, she is getting so good at it, that she managed to dump a glass of lemonade all over me today. Nice kid! She has become so incredibly expressive. Its nice to get a little feedback that isn't just screaming. She is experimenting with her voice. Sometimes I hear her just playing around with her sounds in the backseat. It is the funniest thing! She goes high and low and back again. The biggest news in Callie Town is teeth!

Her two bottom teeth have finally started pushing through her gums. Which is wonderful news!

Another really funny thing she has been doing (but I have yet to capture on film) is she will take her pacifier lanyard that we attach to her clothes and swing it around her head like a cowgirl ready to lasso a calf. It is hysterical! Partially because the whole time she is bopping herself in the head with her pacifier, but she doesn't care, she just keeps going, but she does blink/flinch a little each time.
We are working on sitting a little better. I am trying to get her to sit so we can get closer to working on solid food next month. So that's about it for now. Happy 5 month day Callie!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

4 Month Check Up

We had our 4 month check up yesterday. She is growing well. Still in the 75th-95th percentile for most things. She is now 24 inches long and weighing almost 14 pounds. The doctor was pretty amazed at her dexterity. She was able to pass a tongue depressor between her hands, normally kids aren't able to do that until around 6 months. And she is officially teething. We had suspected she was since she had been drooling like crazy and angling the hard part of her pacifier toward her gums.
She has also managed to "bite" down hard enough on my on my fingers to sprain it. Thanks kiddo.
The doctor also cautioned letting her suck on my shoulder or my chin as that can translate to biting other kids later on.
The only scary part was after her second injection, Callie started holding her breath. The nurse had to blow air on her face to startle her out of it. The rest of the day she actually did quite well! Much better than last time! However, at the end of the night she went ballastic. She was inconsolable. We did everything we could to calm her down. In the end it was the bath that did it. She's still been a bit out of sorts today, very needy. Getting her to nap on her own was definitely a challenge today!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Callie at 4 Months

So Callie hit the 4 month mark the other day. She is starting to roll over.

She is also doing a lot of cooing and gurgling as well as blowing bubbles. She seems happiest when she is grasping at her toes these days. It is quite adorable!

She is also sitting momentarily on her own and is putting absolutely everything is her mouth! She looooves meeting new people. She gets this ridiculously big grin on her face. Sometimes she gets so excited that she eventually has to bury her head in my shoulder because she is too overstimulated. She will also start squealing if she is trying to get someone's attention.

And this is just us being silly: