Monday, August 30, 2010

4 Month Check Up

We had our 4 month check up yesterday. She is growing well. Still in the 75th-95th percentile for most things. She is now 24 inches long and weighing almost 14 pounds. The doctor was pretty amazed at her dexterity. She was able to pass a tongue depressor between her hands, normally kids aren't able to do that until around 6 months. And she is officially teething. We had suspected she was since she had been drooling like crazy and angling the hard part of her pacifier toward her gums.
She has also managed to "bite" down hard enough on my on my fingers to sprain it. Thanks kiddo.
The doctor also cautioned letting her suck on my shoulder or my chin as that can translate to biting other kids later on.
The only scary part was after her second injection, Callie started holding her breath. The nurse had to blow air on her face to startle her out of it. The rest of the day she actually did quite well! Much better than last time! However, at the end of the night she went ballastic. She was inconsolable. We did everything we could to calm her down. In the end it was the bath that did it. She's still been a bit out of sorts today, very needy. Getting her to nap on her own was definitely a challenge today!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Callie at 4 Months

So Callie hit the 4 month mark the other day. She is starting to roll over.

She is also doing a lot of cooing and gurgling as well as blowing bubbles. She seems happiest when she is grasping at her toes these days. It is quite adorable!

She is also sitting momentarily on her own and is putting absolutely everything is her mouth! She looooves meeting new people. She gets this ridiculously big grin on her face. Sometimes she gets so excited that she eventually has to bury her head in my shoulder because she is too overstimulated. She will also start squealing if she is trying to get someone's attention.

And this is just us being silly:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Mixed Messages

Callie is all about mixed messages these days. Like this afternoon. I got back from my mom's group and an errand and then the screaming begins. I let her cry a bit on her own because it seemed like she might be tired. I don't know why I try that from time to time. It NEVER works. She is not the kid that will cry for a few minutes and give up and take a nap. Ooooh no. She takes it as a personal challenge to cry as long as possible. So I go in to our room, take her out of the co-sleeper and try to feed her because she is rooting. I try to feed her, no go. Still screaming. Until I put the pacifier in her mouth and she falls asleep. And not just falls asleep, but falls asleep in the most adorable way possible. Curled up against my body with her legs against my stomach, her head on my chest, her tiny fingers on my hand and her hand firmly around the straps of my nursing bra, as if to say "I may not need to eat now, but don't go far. I'm gonna need those boobs later." And in those moments of peace, I feel like the luckiest gal on the planet.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Callie and her Pacifier

Callie has slowly but surely been working on manipulating the pacifier with her fingers. Mission Accomplished!

Callie waterglass

While we were at Aqui having dinner, Callie decided to go after my waterglass to some pretty funny results!

And the best quote ever goes to Bill: "Adult cups suck!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"You're in trouble..."

The other day, a woman watched as Callie manipulated the pacifier out of her mouth and back in using her fingers. She asked how old she was and I told her that she was 3 1/2 months. She was shocked. To which she said: "Really? Oh you're in trouble." Don't I know it....

I may look all cute and adorable... but really I'm plotting to take over the world.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

There Will Be Blood

There has been quite a bit of blood in the CG household this week. First there was the dog getting into a scrap with a raccoon. Then, the other night Grandpa Ralph was over for dinner and as I was handing Callie over to Bill so I could eat, I noticed blood dripping out of her ear. There were a few "Oh my gods" and "What the hell?" until we discovered that her ears weren't bleeding from listening to us talk or anything:) She had scratched her ear with those daggers also known as fingernails. And the final blood letting? Callie is getting very fast and accurate with her fingers. She, in the blink of an eye, jammed her finger up my nostril so hard and fast that she gave me one hell of a bloody nose. I called out to Bill: "You need to take the baby." To which he responded, "In a minute." To which I of course more urgently said: "NO. You need to take the baby NOW." He came running in the room just in time to see blood streaming out of my face. So, ya, she is fast and accurate! Look out! Next time I will try a little bob and weave to get out of her way! Oh Callie Lily, just wait til your first date comes to the door. They are going to get some stories! She might not ever get a 2nd date! Which would probably be totally acceptable to her daddy.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Callie Babble

Callie all of a sudden in the last day or so has started babbling. It is pretty darn funny!