Thursday, July 22, 2010

Callie's First Road Trip Day 5

1st Day of Comic Con!

We started off at Bread and Cie again to get a couple loafs for us to have for the day, since we have learned by experience that the only food they sell at the Convention center are pretzels and nachos. No thanks.
One we got to the Con after the parking nightmare, we scoped out the child center. They start at 6 months so we weren't actually going to leave Callie there, but we thought we might be able to use the room to feed, but no luck. But we had brought along a couple of bottles of pumped milk anyway. We did find out later in the day that they do have services for nursing mothers. They will refrigerate pumped milk and have private rooms for you to nurse in. How did we discover this awesome little tidbit? By reading the program, duh!
We tried to map out our day which was tough because the line for Hall H was craaaaazy, so there was no way we were getting in to see the Tron panel. When we were about to get in line they were saying that not only would you not get into the Tron panel but you most likely wouldn't get into the next panel either. So we walked around a bit to get our bearings.

HBO has shelled out a ton of money for Comic Con, True Blood posters are everywhere! And quite clever....

This was going to be a very different Con experience for us. We were used to being able to jet around the building and jump into panels, but not this time! We were relegated to elevator travel for the most part. We decided to pass on the Burn Notice panel in the ballroom because the panel I reallllly wanted to see was The Visionaries Panel in Hall H with JJ Abrams and Joss Whedon. So we decided to get in line for Hall H early and told ourselves that if Callie really lost it we would leave no matter what.

In line for Hall H

Just a small sampling of the line...

We were in line for about an hour and got in the hall in time to see a pretty cool panel for the film Red by DC Comics and Summit Entertainment.

The cast is crazy: Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and on and on. Bruce Willis was there as was Helen Mirren and the guy who played Doc McCoy in Star Trek, can't remember his name but I was definitely surprised when he started speaking with a british accent! The movie looks awesome! Its basically about this group of retired CIA hitmen/women who are targeted for termination. Bruce Willis had never been to Comic Con before and was clearly in awe of the whole thing. Helen Mirren was awesome. I must admit it was weird to hear "The Queen" cussing and talking about how much fun she had shooting guns!

Callie slept through most of the panel, except to feed which we did on the sly during the trailer they were showing.
After that was the Visionaries Panel. It was great!!

So worth the wait for the hall. And we got to be the first to hear the news that Joss Whedon is indeed directing The Avengers. Joss was funny as always. Callie was still doing great, so we decided to keep going.
There was a Dexter panel back in the ballroom so we decided to shoot for that, but first I wanted to try to see Richard Hatch from Battlestar Galactica who was signing autographs. I had met him last year and he is just such an awesome, down to earth guy who loves connecting with fans. Callie and I were both in our BSG themed shirts today, so we went for it. Her onesie says "Little Frakker" on it. If you have seen either incarnation of the show you know how funny that is. If you haven't...well. you're totally missing out. Add the new BSG to your netflix right now! Go ahead...I 'll wait..
Anyhoo... We got to the autograph area and we got in line. He had an array of his books and glossy photos to sign. I didn't really want a glossy photo, because, well...what the heck was I gonna do with it? So I thought to myself, why not have him sign Callie's onesie? I figured it would be an odd request so I was a tad nervous. Bill was on the outside of the line ready with the camera. Soon I realized I didn't have anything to be nervous about!

There were still 3 people ahead of me in line when Mr. Hatch spotted us.

He stopped mid-sentence with the fan he was supposed to be signing for, got out from behind the table and came to check out Miss Callie. He was totally smitten! He just thought she was the cutest thing and that was before I pointed out her onesie! It was awesome...He started showing her to everyone in line: "Look at her shirt! Little Frakker!" Finally he got a hold of himself and got back to work.

Although you'll notice that he is still totally taken with my little girl:)
When it was my turn he did indeed sign her onesie for us.

She was all cooing and ticklish so he had a hard time signing it but it turned out great!

It says: Richard Hatch, Tom Zarek

After all that we headed over to the line for Dexter, but by that time it was about 6pm and Callie had pretty much hit her limit, so we took off to walk around the exhibit hall a bit, which she loved.

Even though we missed the Tron panel, at least we got to see the Tron cycle in the Hall

In line for dexter....

All day she was just so happy looking at everything. While we were in line for Dexter these awesome guys in Star Wars costumes walked by.

Bill snapped some pictures and we had a good laugh.

All of a sudden there was Darth Vader behind me touching Callie's head! It was hysterical even though I was a bit freaked at first!

So there you have it, our first day at the con and Callie did amazingly!!
On the way home we tried to stop by Lucha Libre Taco Shop (we saw it on Man v. Food) but the line was crazy and Callie was touch and go, so went to El Indio, one of our favorite standbys instead. She held it together long enough for us to wolf down our burritos and back to Del Mar we went. Until tomorrow! Luckily tomorrow's schedule should be a bit more manageable since all the panels we want to see are all in one room! Hooray!

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