Friday, May 21, 2010

Callie's First Vaccination

We went in today for Callie's first vaccination: Hep B. I knew it was coming and I was definitely nervous about it. The night before the appointment Bill asked if I needed him there for the appointment. Uhhhh. Ya! We went in and they did the weigh in and she is 10 pounds! She is doing beautifully. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and height. She is 22 inches long. The doctor said she is doing perfectly, she is nice and alert and doing everything she should be. We asked the doctor about how Callie is so fussy around 9:30/10 pm every night. She said it was probably colic and it was normal and to do whatever it takes to get her calmed down, if its feeding or rocking or a pacifier to go for it. We were worried at one point that my milk production was dropping at night and that's why she was getting upset, but the doctor didn't think so. So we felt better after hearing that it was normal and it will run its course and probably be gone in a few months.
Then it was time for the shot. They told us that we shouldn't need to worry about fevers that are common with other vaccines. They put the shot in her thigh. There was a split second when she looked confused when they stuck her with the needle. Then the tears and wailing started. And then of course I started. I had never seen her in pain before. She's been uncomfortable before: wet, hungry, hot, cold, etc but never pain. It was so hard to see. I cried as I rocked her and soon she settled down. I fed her and the poor darling passed right out. She's been pretty fussy since I got her home but I imagine her poor little leg is pretty sore from the needle. Next month's vaccines will be worse I imagine, there are a lot more to do next month than just 1 vaccine like this month.

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