Sunday, May 30, 2010

Spontaneous Day

One thing about me and Bill BC (before Callie) is that we were quite spontaneous. One of us would say "Hey you wanna go to a movie?" Or dinner or whatever. I think that was one thing that I was struggling with Callie that everything seemed like it had to be planned and planned again like it was Operation Overlord. Today we put that to the test! We went to visit Bill's grandma in her retirement home in the morning. She is struggling with alzheimers and dementia so we wanted to make sure she got to meet her great granddaughter sooner rather than later. When we got there she had just woken up so she wasn't too lucid and didn't seem to recognize any of us. Bill and I went and grabbed a bagel while Grandma Ann watched Callie for us. She practically kicked us out the door:) We came back about 20 minutes later and went to try again. Grandma was much more lucid and seemed very happy to see Callie (Ann had been showing her pictures of Callie) and held her for a bit. It was such a beautiful moment. We dropped Ann at the airport and I texted my mom (we had tenative plans to go to Burrell School Winery for their memorial day festivities). She was on her way to pick berries at a farm in Watsonville with my dad. We decided to do Burrell the following day and then commenced a conversation between me and Bill about whether or not to join my parents in Watsonville. We took stock of our supplies: 4 ounces of pumped breastmilk, 5 clean diapers, wipes. So we went for it! It was a little scary, since the last time we did a long trip in the car (to Oakland) Callie didn't do so hot in the car but apparently she is over that, because she slept the whole way! We made it to the farm and got some pies and picked some berries. I also breastfed in public for the first time. I'm basically at the point of: "screw it." If people can't handle a boob that's their problem not mine. Its legally protected in any public place. I had actually tried using a nursing cover the day before but our girl was waaaay too distracted by the pretty colors in the cover. She melted down a bit when we went to pick berries, but once we were in the car and driving she was a happy camper. So we can be spontaneous, as long as we have a well stocked diaper bag:) With any good operation, its all about being prepared.

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