Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vaccinations Round 2

We got Callie her second round of vaccinations yesterday. Phew! We did AOK during the actual appointment. There was an oral vaccine which she went after with gusto, especially since she was already hungry. She was probably a little confused as to why it wasn't milk! Then she got the shots in her legs. Luckily they combine some of the vaccines these days. She was screaming and I settled in to feed her and she calmed down almost immediately. We got her in the car and she passed out, hard. She slept for about an hour here and there. During the late afternoon it got ugly. I don't know if it was the pain in her legs or just feeling all the junk in her system but she went nuts. She was screaming louder and more shrill than I have EVER heard her, and that's saying something cuz we've heard some doozies in last two months. It was awful! And there was just no consoling her, probably because she didn't know what was happening to her. It lasted well into the night which was really bad timing. I had surmised that if she had a rough time with her vaccinations she would be through it by the early evening. This was important because it was our anniversary and Bill had planned to take me out to dinner. Leaving her screaming with my mom may have been the hardest thing I've had to do yet. If it had been ANYONE else but her I wouldn't have gone. As it was I almost told Bill to cancel our plans. I sat and cried in the car for a bit. But I realized there wasn't anything I could do to help her. While we were out she calmed down for a bit and then erupted like a vomiting volcano. So poor Grandma Tere got to experience the incredible vomiting girl! But apparently she felt better after that and calmed down. At least we don't have to do this again for another 2 months! And you can be sure the schedule will be totally open! Live and learn!

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